フリーマガジン「日本男児」第4弾でフィーチャーしたのは、マンガ家「熊田プウ助」氏。自虐ゲイネタなどで人気を博し、サムソン、G-men、薔薇族、バディなどのゲイ雑誌だけでなく、芳文社、竹書房、ぶんか社などのファミリー誌にも連載経験を持つ人気漫画家だ。「世界でヤろう! ! おひとりホモ☆」「TOKYO中年駄ホモ生活」「GoGo!! おひとりホモ☆」など、刊行物も多数ある。
The 4th edition of the free magazine "NIPPONDANJI" features the manga artist Poohsuke Kumada. His manga is popular with masochistic gay stories, He is a popular manga artist with serial experience not only with gay magazines such as Samson, G - men, Barazoku, Badi, but also with family-oriented publications such as Hobunsha, Takeshobo, Bunkasha etc.
Mr. Kumata, who was observing gag manga from an early age said that he had been inspired by Mr. Yoshiko Tsuchida, a manga artist who was keen to introduce gags into girls' manga. Each piece of Mr. Kumata is a depiction of gay private life with lots of humor and brutal frankness.
Mr. Kumata is also a BEARLESQUE dancer (a bear-boy dancing naked show, the burlesque bear version), and is also seeking to spread BEARLESQUE to the United States/internationally. Mr. Kumata's publications can be purchased at convenience stores and bookstores, and any new publication information can be found on Twitter.