シティボーイと瀬戸の島 ①~③総集編 / SUV

  • セール
  • 通常価格 ¥1,600


巻頭カラー 8P (各巻表紙イラスト等)
描き下ろし 5P


仕様:B5(257mm*182mm)/108ページ (表紙カラー、巻頭カラー8P、本文モノクロ)

Compilation of City boy on the island by SUV (SUVWAVE)

[Special contents]
8 pages of color illustrations on the front cover of each volume
Includes unused names, character roughs, etc.
5 pages of new illustrations

Size : H9.84 × W7.08(B5 in Japan) / 108pages

The cover is printed in color. The content is printed in black and white, and first 8 pages are printed in color

This is a printed book.
PDF data is not available for sale.
Only the Japanese version is available.